Tag: pushy

  • No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with bidi and pushy

    No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with bidi and pushy

    Note: this is a bidi counterpart to the silk article: No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with silk and pushy. The content is very similar, only the code changes. I recently replaced secretary with bidi and pushy in a re-frame project that was created fresh out of leiningen template and this is how I did it, but first, the…

  • No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with silk and pushy

    No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with silk and pushy

    Update: there’s a version of this article that uses bidi instead of silk: No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with bidi and pushy. The content is very similar, only the code changes. I recently replaced secretary with silk and pushy in a re-frame project that was created fresh out of leiningen template and this is how I did it, but…