As I’ve said in previous posts, I like being able to generate sample data for the projects I’m working on very quickly. It allows new developers to get up to speed fast, and new developers to move faster.

When I don’t have a sample data generation method, I’m always scare to try whether, for example, deleting a project deletes all the todos in a project tracking system. Simply because I’ll have to generate that project and all todos by hand. Many times I end up not testing those destructive actions as often as I should.

The other reason while having a stable set of sample data is that you start to know it: “Hey! the users Paul and John are supposed to be on the same team, why I am not seeing them together? Something is broken”. To help with that I also use data that we already know. If I have teams with members I would create one team with John, Paul, George and Ringo called Beatles and another with Freddie, Brian, Roger and John called Queen. If you see Paul next to Freddie, something is broken.

To generate the sample data I use factories; which I also use to test instead of fixtures. If you are not familiar with factories, please, stop reading and go to check factory girl. I don’t care if you never come back to this blog if you start using factories instead of fixtures. Factories is so much better! But that’s probably repeated a thousand times over the web, so I’m not going to go into details.

In lib/tasks/data.rake I end up creating:

namespace :db do
  desc "Generate sample data for developing"
  task :sample_data => :environment do

    puts "==  Data: generating sample data ".ljust(79, "=")

    beatles = Factory.create :team, :name => "The Beatles"
    Factory.create :user, :name => "John Lennon", :team => beatles
    Factory.create :user, :name => "Paul McCartney", :team => beatles
    Factory.create :user, :name => "George Harrison", :team => beatles
    Factory.create :user, :name => "Ringo Starr", :team => beatles

    queen = Factory.create :team, :name => "Queen"
    Factory.create :user, :name => "Freddie Mercury", :team => queen
    Factory.create :user, :name => "Brian May", :team => queen
    Factory.create :user, :name => "John Deacon", :team => queen
    Factory.create :user, :name => "Roger Taylor", :team => queen

    puts "==  Data: generating sample data (done) ".ljust(79, "=") + "\n\n"

For the implementation of destroy_data look at Deleting all records in a Rails project.

The problem with doing that with factories is that it is too silent. I like knowing what’s going on and for new developers it’s good to get a glimpse of the data. All users have the same password so after rake db:sample_data finishes, a new developer already know what email and password to use to log in. If you want to make it even easier, you can print out the password doing sample data generation.

The password is of course defined in the user factory:

Factory.define :user do |user| { :email }
  user.password "testing"
  user.password_confirmation "testing"

To be able to make factories verbose I created VFactory (for Verbose Factory of course) that you use just like Factory, but it prints out everything. This is its code:

# Verbose factory.
module VFactory
  def self.create *args
    human_factory_name = args.first.to_s.gsub("_", " ")
    if args.size > 1
      human_arguments = { |name, value| "#{name}=>#{value.is_a?(Array) ? value.join(", ") : value}" }.to_sentence
      puts "-- creating #{human_factory_name} with #{human_arguments}."
      puts "-- creating #{human_factory_name}."
    Factory.create(*args).tap do |obj|
      puts "   -> done: #{obj}"

The output of this is more or less like this:

==  Data: generating sample data ==============================================
-- creating team with name=>The Beatles.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with name=>John Lennon and team=>#.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with name=>Paul McCartney and team=>#.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with name=>George Harrison and team=>#.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with name=>Ringo Starr and team=>#.
   -> done: #
-- creating team with name=>Queen.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with with name=>Freddie Mercury.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with with name=>Brian May.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with name=>John Deacon.
   -> done: #
-- creating user with name=>Roger Taylor
   -> done: #
==  Data: generating sample data (done) =======================================

If you are wondering why my objects look so pretty when printed, that’s because I always define a to_s for all models that contain the id and other important data. In this case it would be:

def to_s

That’s very useful for debugging. I also try to always have a name method in my models that give me something that represents the object and that I can show to the users.

The next step in data awesomeness would be, with one command, being able to download and import all production data. This really helps reproducing and debugging reported issues; specially when those issues are related to destructive changes.

Update: this is now a gem.

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